Ancient Church of Malabar: ജോണ്‍ പെരുമറ്റം പിതാവ് കാലം ചെയ്തു

Sunday, June 19, 2011

ജോണ്‍ പെരുമറ്റം പിതാവ് കാലം ചെയ്തു

"മാര്‍ത്തോമ സുറിയാനി കത്തോലിക്കാ സഭയുടെ അഭിമാനം ആയിരുന്ന ബിഷപ്പ് മാര്‍ ജോണ്‍ പെരുമറ്റം പിതാവിന് ആദരാഞ്ജലികള്‍... കബറടക്കം 2011 June 21 ചൊവ്വാഴ്ച പത്തിന് ഉജൈന്‍ലെ സൈന്റ്റ്‌ മേരി കത്ത്രിട്ടല്‍ പള്ളിയില്‍ വച്ച് പാതൃയര്‍ക്ക് മാര്‍ ഗീവര്‍ഗിസ് ആലഞ്ചേരി യുടെ മുഖ്യ കാര്‍മികത്വത്തില്‍ നടക്കും"

Prayerful farewell to Mar John Perumattam, Bishop Emeritus of Ujjain who passed away this morning (18 June 2011), at 1.00 a.m. in Pushpa Hospital, Ujjain. He was convalescing after some ups and downs in his health condition. The funeral will be on Tuesday, 21 June 2011 at 10.00 a.m. in the St. Mary’s Cathedral, Ujjain in which the Major Archbishop and many other bishops will take part.

Bishop Mar John Perumattam was born in a devout catholic family in Kerala at Kakkoor, a hamlet in the diocese of Palai, about 30 kms from Ernakulam, on Nov 3rd 1921 to very pious parents Mr. Augustine Perumattam and Mrs Anna. “Perumattam” is one of the ancient Syrian catholic families of Kakkoor Parish, blessed with a number of vocations. His younger brother Augustine also is a catholic priest. Out of the three sisters one is a nun, Sr. Rachel FCC. After the completion of his higher secondary education in 1942 he made up his mind to dedicate his life for the service of the Church. To achieve his goal he joined the St. Thomas minor seminary Chaganachery, in the age of 21, in June 1942. After the minor seminary studies he had his philosophical and theological studies of a period of seven years. He was ordained priest on March 11, 1951 by Bp Sebastian Vayalil. After working in Kerala for six months he was sent to Rome for higher studies in the month of October. He secured a doctorate in Church and Civil Law(JDU) from St. John Lateran University, Rome, and returned to Kerala in 1956. He started working in the diocese of Palai as Procurator, Professor, Vice Rector, Spiritual Father and then in 1968 he became the Rector of Good Shepherd Minor Seminary. After his committed service in the Kerala church for a period of 12 years, he reached Ujjain for the first time in 1968 to take up the leadership of the missionary team to work for the development of the area comprising of Ujjain, Shajapur and Rajgarh districts which is 18,225 square kilometers. On 22 February, 1968 a pious union was erected as The Missionary Society of St Thomas the Apostle (MST) and Fr John Perumattam was appointed as its first Director General.
Pope Paul VI erected the Apostolic Exarchate of Ujjain on July 28, 1968 and Mgr. John Perumattam was installed the Apostolic Exarch of Ujjain. On February 26, 1977 Mgr. John Perumattam was appointed the first Bishop of Ujjain. Since then Bishop John Perumattam with the help of a few priests and religious sisters undertook the great challenge of the missionary work in these areas. Taking up the challenge to the core of his heart he started the development works which soon spread to the far and remote villages. His effort was to work for the upliftment of the poor, caring for the sick and ensuring preliminary education to the totally illiterate people. The atmosphere though, was not conducive, he had set up his mind to remain in this area and lay down his life for the people who were really in need of help. He was consecrated as the first Bishop of the Eparchy of Ujjain on 15 May 1977. For the past 42 years he spent his life and energy in Ujjain proving knowledge and motivation, service, and love for the people.

The Catholic Church could not do much, in the field of social reformation in Ujjain area till the arrival of Bishop John Perumattam in 1968. There were no big hospitals or schools of the Church till then. The only solace for the people was the St. Mary’s Convent School, Ujjain which provided only primary education facilities. Bishop John Perumattam started schools, hospitals, dispensaries, boardings and old age homes keeping in mind the social, economic and educational progress of the area. He was deeply touched and moved in heart, seeing the social evils, superstitions and illiteracy. Realizing that illiteracy was the root cause of most of the existing social evils he started primary, middle, high Schools and Balwadies in each district and tehsil of the diocese. To mend the health and hygiene, he started three hospitals and many dispensaries in the Malwa region. To lift up the financially backward youth, technical training centers were set up in Ujjain. This was to orient and enable the youth to earn technical skills and stand on their own feet.

Another milestone in the social reformation work of Bishop John Perumattam was the erection of Kripa Social Welfare society. The social welfare society, through its wide spread network, is today accomplishing the task of social reformation and educational transformation. Bishop John was ever caring for the weaker sections of the society. So he also started the great organization called, Madhya Pradesh Vikalang Sahayatha Samiti, which was intended to look after and bestow help to the disabled, both mentally and physically disabled people. His intention was to create awareness and sensitivity among the people of the society towards the disabled and poor sections in the society. At present as many as 14 such centers spread over the three districts of Ujjain, Shajapur and Rajgarh witness to the far sightedness and caring concern of Bishop John Perumattam in the field of disability. Bishop John Perumattam was always of the opinion that the village areas are to be given greater attention than the cities, because he knew that the people in the villages were deprived of the basic facilities of life. So he was very keen and careful to start institutions in the rural areas to provide service to the people living in far remote villages. With this intention Bishop John Perumattam started many dispensaries and boarding houses for financially backward children. The Kripa Social Welfare Society today stands as a glittering and ever shining model of social reformation in the area. This stands as the scintillating model of mission network started by Bishop John Perumattam in the area. Thousands of people today, profit from his great generosity and excellent mission spirit. People all over the three districts of Ujjain, Shajapur and Rajgarh will ever remember His Excellency with great love and gratitude.

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